Sunday, November 24, 2013

Remember When

I was that country girl who loved the music her daddy played while she sat next to him in his big red pick up truck.

Now I'm no where close to her.

Remember when we drove our big camo four-wheelers every Saturday and packed some beef jerky to snack on and we loved it. 

Now I drive a little volts wagon and shop on Saturdays.

Remember when we visited Georgia every summer together and you told me all about that small town.

Now I spend my summer at the swimming pool.

Remember when me and you hiked together and then afterwards you bought me that teddy bear bracelet I wore every day and treasured.

Now I can't even keep my closet clean because I have too many clothes. 

I want that back. I want my simple country life back.


  1. Great memories. This is our next blog post.

    I remember.


  2. I love this! Definitely very powerful like Nels said.
    I remember listening to country music in the truck with my day, back when I felt like I had one...this really meant a lot to me. Thank you for this.
